Post by Daniel Silk on Jul 28, 2009 17:44:35 GMT
Thanks very much to Jan for forwarding this on on to me for it to be posted up on the forum ;D
P2/3Reg/18A Will 1557 Silk, John Melksham **
P26/941 Will 1756 Silk, John Hatter Calne
P26/955 Inventory, will 1757 Silk, Sarah Widow Calne
P3/S/14 Inventory, wills (two) [1604] Silk, Margaret Calne
Test[amentu]m Joh[ann]is Sylke de Mylkyshm [The Will of John Sylke of Melksham]
In the name of God amen the xj*th* [11th] day of February the
yere of o[ur] Lord God mCCCCClv [1555] I John Sylke of Beanacre in the countie
of Wyltes[hire] whole of mynde thank[es] be to God and sycke in body do
make my last wyll and testament in man[ner] and forme folowyng First
I bequeathe my sowle to o[ur] lord Jesus Christ by the merit[es] of whos passion
I do trust to be saved to o[ur] lady saynt Mary and to all the holy co[m]pany
of heaven and my body to be buryed in the churche yerde of Mylkyshm
It[e]m to the amendyng of the hygh wayes ther xij*d* [12d] It[e]m I do gyve and
bequeath to Christofer Sylke & to John Sylke the young[er] my sonnes
and to Jone Sylke my dowghter halfe my good[es] bothe moveable and
not moveable equally to be devyded betwene them And yf yt happen
any of my abovenamed chylderen do dye afore the day of ther law[-]
full marriage then I wyll the legacie or legacies of hym or her so de[-]
parted equally to be devyded amongest thos that ar alyve And yf
yt happen that all my abovenamed chylderen do dye afore the day
of ther lawfull maryage then I wyll that all ther legacies. shall remay[-]
ne to my wt[h]in named executric Anne Sylke my wyfe It[e]m I gyve
to my above named son Christofer Sylke one Flocke bedde It[e]m to
John Sylke the yongar my son a Fether bedde It[e]m to Jone my dowght[er]
my lesse new brasen panne The Rest of my good[es] not bequeathed my
dett[es] legacies and funerall[es] done and payde I do gyve and bequeathe
to Anne Sylke my wyfe whom I do ordeyne & make my sole execu[-]
tric that she do ordre yt to Godd[es] glorie and for the helthe of my sowle
Thes wytnes S[ir] John Whyteley curat ther John May thelder Henry
Sturrydge thelder and Richard More wt[h] other
Probatum fuit testamentu[m] suprascript' Joh[ann]is Sylke nup[er] de
Mylkyshm defunct' cora[m] mag[ist]ro Thoma Mullens substitut' mag[ist]r'
Rob[er]ti Burton offic' d[o]m' Arch' Sar' xj*o* die mensis Maij A[nn]o D[o]m[ini]
m*o* cccc*o* lvij*o* Ac p[er] eu' approbat[um] & Insinuat[um]
Proved was the abovewritten will of John Sylke late of
Melksham deceased before Master Thomas Mullens substitute of Master
Robert Burton official of the Archdeaconry of Sarum [Salisbury] on the 11th day of the month of May
in the year of the Lord
1557 And by him approved and registered
[ ] contain supplied text, either the expansion of abbreviations or translations or clarifications
* * represent superscript letters
P2/3Reg/18A Will 1557 Silk, John Melksham **
P26/941 Will 1756 Silk, John Hatter Calne
P26/955 Inventory, will 1757 Silk, Sarah Widow Calne
P3/S/14 Inventory, wills (two) [1604] Silk, Margaret Calne
Test[amentu]m Joh[ann]is Sylke de Mylkyshm [The Will of John Sylke of Melksham]
In the name of God amen the xj*th* [11th] day of February the
yere of o[ur] Lord God mCCCCClv [1555] I John Sylke of Beanacre in the countie
of Wyltes[hire] whole of mynde thank[es] be to God and sycke in body do
make my last wyll and testament in man[ner] and forme folowyng First
I bequeathe my sowle to o[ur] lord Jesus Christ by the merit[es] of whos passion
I do trust to be saved to o[ur] lady saynt Mary and to all the holy co[m]pany
of heaven and my body to be buryed in the churche yerde of Mylkyshm
It[e]m to the amendyng of the hygh wayes ther xij*d* [12d] It[e]m I do gyve and
bequeath to Christofer Sylke & to John Sylke the young[er] my sonnes
and to Jone Sylke my dowghter halfe my good[es] bothe moveable and
not moveable equally to be devyded betwene them And yf yt happen
any of my abovenamed chylderen do dye afore the day of ther law[-]
full marriage then I wyll the legacie or legacies of hym or her so de[-]
parted equally to be devyded amongest thos that ar alyve And yf
yt happen that all my abovenamed chylderen do dye afore the day
of ther lawfull maryage then I wyll that all ther legacies. shall remay[-]
ne to my wt[h]in named executric Anne Sylke my wyfe It[e]m I gyve
to my above named son Christofer Sylke one Flocke bedde It[e]m to
John Sylke the yongar my son a Fether bedde It[e]m to Jone my dowght[er]
my lesse new brasen panne The Rest of my good[es] not bequeathed my
dett[es] legacies and funerall[es] done and payde I do gyve and bequeathe
to Anne Sylke my wyfe whom I do ordeyne & make my sole execu[-]
tric that she do ordre yt to Godd[es] glorie and for the helthe of my sowle
Thes wytnes S[ir] John Whyteley curat ther John May thelder Henry
Sturrydge thelder and Richard More wt[h] other
Probatum fuit testamentu[m] suprascript' Joh[ann]is Sylke nup[er] de
Mylkyshm defunct' cora[m] mag[ist]ro Thoma Mullens substitut' mag[ist]r'
Rob[er]ti Burton offic' d[o]m' Arch' Sar' xj*o* die mensis Maij A[nn]o D[o]m[ini]
m*o* cccc*o* lvij*o* Ac p[er] eu' approbat[um] & Insinuat[um]
Proved was the abovewritten will of John Sylke late of
Melksham deceased before Master Thomas Mullens substitute of Master
Robert Burton official of the Archdeaconry of Sarum [Salisbury] on the 11th day of the month of May
in the year of the Lord
1557 And by him approved and registered
[ ] contain supplied text, either the expansion of abbreviations or translations or clarifications
* * represent superscript letters